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1308c NW Vivion Rd
Kansas City, MO 64118
August 16, 2018
We all want to be able to do it all. But the hard truth is that we all have our special gifts. And not everyone can be great at everything.
The homeowners loved their new outdoor environment. But then the water utility started sending them notices. It turned out that the home was consuming an abnormal amount of water. But when the homeowners turned off the water feature, everything went back to normal.
The landscaping company returned to troubleshoot and make repairs. When they were done, they said it was normal to lose water through splash and evaporation. The homeowners thought this still seemed like a lot of water, but they took the word of these “experts.”
The homeowners lived with the issue for a few years. Then, they decided to get a second opinion. That’s when Good Earth Water Gardens came in.
We ran a few tests on the water feature and were able to pinpoint the leak. And it was a big one, too. It turns out they were losing almost 500 gallons of water a day! That’s no splash and evaporation – that’s an excessive leak.
The homeowners had some questions about how their pond was supposed to function, so we invited them to our display showroom. That visit turned into a conversation about what they wished their water feature was like.
With that in mind, Good Earth Water Gardens came up with two options. One was simply to fix the leak. The other included a complete renovation of the water feature. We were delighted when the homeowners decided to go with the whole shebang.
We took away a lot of the small stacked stone that was present. In its place, we brought in over 10 tons of large boulders. These substantial stones created a more seamless effect.
We also created a stepping stone path that leads around the water feature and up the hill. This walkway lets the homeowners and their visitors enjoy the different elements of the waterfall and pond from many vantage points.
The homeowners were thrilled with their water feature’s transformation. And at Good Earth Water Gardens, we were so excited to address the issue and enhance the space.
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